Software Simulation – Text entry box help!

Hi Guys

I have created a simulation for software which includes a text entry field.  It is set up as having infinite attempts and as long as the user keeps the cursor in the text entry field they can delete and retype as many times as they like.

HOWEVER….as soon as they click out of the text box (Anywhere on the sim) and go back in to try again, the box seems to be disabled i.e. they can no longer get the cursor in the box.

Any ideas why this could be.  I have:

1) Set the text entry box to pause as close to the end of the slide as possible (I cannot seem to remove the pause)

2)Set infinite attempts

3) Set box timing to length of slide

4)Set slide length to various times (It doesn’t seem to help)

Am I missing something obvious?  I know learners are going to do this as a large number did this in testing

Thanks so much – K


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