The Future Of eLearning: Emerging Technologies And Trends To Watch

This article explores emerging technologies and trends that are set to transform eLearning. These include Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, microlearning and mobile learning, gamification and game-based learning, and social learning and collaboration. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

Non-Logged in page for learners in Adobe Learning Manager Native application.

Adobe Learning Manager native portal will support Non logged in way of accessing the training site. This feature as an ability to allow ALM Admins to create a learning portal that can be browsed by general public without requiring to login. Prerequisite: Training Data access connector must be enabled for the Non-logged in homepage Training…

Updating the module in Adobe Learning Manager: How to replace a content/module in a course without disturbing the user’s progress.

Updating the module in Adobe Learning Manager: How to replace a content/module in a course without disturbing the user’s progress.   Problem Statement:  It is observed that Authors sometimes replace the content at the course level, rather than updating it at the content level. Replacing the content at the course level impacts the user’s progress,…