Why and how to use characters for designing learning experiences

Why and how to use characters for designing learning experiences

November 24, 2022 by Sonia Tiwari | Several educational products and services use unique character designs to distinguish their brands. While talking Geckos in insurance commercials can be entertaining and interactive user-guide characters like Clippy in the good old days of Microsoft Word are dated, characters have a lot more to offer!  LXD’s can leverage characters not only to create …

Het bericht Why and how to use characters for designing learning experiences verscheen eerst op Learning Experience Design.

The Gates Are Open: Event Marketing Strategy And Digital Promotion To The eLearning Community

Simply put, event marketing is all about letting every prospect know that you are hosting an event they shouldn’t miss. Read on as we share a variety of event marketing strategies and ideas to help you get the word out and increase your attendance rate. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.