How To Identify And Create Learning Opportunities To Enable Learning In The Flow Of Work

Increasingly, organizations are looking to enhance or rather make learning experiences more organic. One of the strategies is to create learning opportunities in the course of work routine, or what is called “learning in the flow of work.” In this article, we will look at the same. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

Skills Development For Remote Teams: What Is Upskilling And Why Is It Essential For Company Growth?

We are currently experiencing a so-called war for talent, in which employees demand more from their employers. They can work remotely and be productive at the same time and are eager to learn new skills or improve their current ones. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

Video edit

I am trying to update a course that was created in Captivate. There is a video in the course that needs to be edited.  I need to delete or remove some video and make the adio match. Does Captivate have the ability to make such edits or am I going to need to reshoot the…

How to Assess the Impact of Training and Development on Employee Performance and Organizational Performance

What Are the Key Aspects to Assess the Impact of Training Programs?  Training employees is becoming more important as economies continue with major shifts and adaptations to changing work environments. In the next few years, an organization’s ability to effectively train and upskill its employees will be essential to maintain a competitive advantage. Those organizations…