How To Motivate Your Workforce To Leverage Workflow Learning Content
How can you motivate workflow learning in your organization? Read on to discover 7 ways to pique your employees’ interest.
This post was first published on eLearning Industry.
How can you motivate workflow learning in your organization? Read on to discover 7 ways to pique your employees’ interest.
This post was first published on eLearning Industry.
With so many educational options out there for future nurse practitioners, there are many questions as to which option is best for them. Can a good online education provide enough compared to regular classes? This post was first published on eLearning Industry.
April 25 2023 – Maaike Mintjes | Michael Schurr, a 2nd grade teacher in New York, was trying to figure out how to encourage discovery learning in his classroom. As a first step, he interviewed his students. The interviews revealed that it was not the curriculum, but the physical space that required redesigning. Students found it tough to locate the …
Het bericht Learning experience design starts with research verscheen eerst op Learning Experience Design.
April 25 2023 – Maaike Mintjes | Michael Schurr, a 2nd grade teacher in New York, was trying to figure out how to encourage discovery learning in his classroom. As a first step, he interviewed his students. The interviews revealed that it was not the curriculum, but the physical space that required redesigning. Students found it tough to locate the …
Het bericht Learning experience design starts with research verscheen eerst op Learning Experience Design.
June 13, 2023 by Maria Galaykova | From many conversations with people new to LXD, I concluded that most of them lack examples to understand what LXD is about. So, I decided to collect and showcase several great learning experience design examples. But I faced 2 main challenges: LXD is a comparatively new discipline with a clear definition, process, and …
Het bericht Learning experience design on display in a communication game verscheen eerst op Learning Experience Design.
The workforce nowadays is made up of people from different generations. To be ready for the future, it’s important to understand each one and find innovative ways to manage potential generational differences. Read how you can do this and tap into every employee’s talent and unique experiences. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.
July 3 2023 – Niels Floor | The most frequently asked question about learning experience design (LXD) is “What is Learning experience design?” Once you know the definition of LXD, many wonder how learning experience design is different. LXDCON’23 has the answer! Figuring out how LXD is different depends on which field you compare LXD to. You can either look …
Het bericht Lessons learned from LXDCON’23 – How learning experience design is different verscheen eerst op Learning Experience Design.