Mastering the Timeline Panel: A Introduction Guide in All New Adobe Captivate

1. Time Ruler – Look for the time ruler at the top of the timeline. It typically appears as a horizontal bar with markers representing time intervals.

2. Zoom in Timeline – To adjust your view of the entire timeline, simply drag the slider left or right. This action allows you to zoom in or out, providing a broader or more detailed perspective on the timeline.

3. Playhead – The playhead refers to the blue vertical line that traverses the timeline when you preview a slide. It indicates the current position on the timeline and displays the frame corresponding to that position.

4. Timeline bar – The individual time bars represent the duration for each object on a slide. You can adjust the horizontal position of these bars to determine when an object appears relative to other objects.

5. Bookmark feature – Bookmarking allows you to mark a specific location within your project slide. For instance, you can bookmark the start of a topic in a slide that contains audio.

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